Thursday, November 17, 2011



It's since times when we were:

when we breathed through your warmth, through you,
when we saw you, just you,
though from very deep inside,
we were in the world that was yours,
that in next few months would be ours.........
as we were:
              NO DIFFERENT FROM YOU............

unknown to you,we could hear all,
your silent laughs, your childish plans,
innocent chit-chats over our looks and names...........
you planned a boundless life for us,
you calculated all your moves meticulously,
just to keep us guarded within you....
when you both held your hands,
passed untold amount of time talking about us,
we would silently giggle and proudly snuggle,
just to know, we were:
              NO DIFFERENT FROM YOU............

then the day arrived to enter a new world,
a larger, brighter, noisier and bounded world,
the only thing we felt ours was,
gentle, nervous, ecstatic first touch of yours.
all the love and care, that you held us with,
was much more dedicated, much more vivid.
we knew no boundations, no relations, no emotions,
just what we knew was, we were happy that we were:
              NO DIFFERENT FROM YOU..............

you gave us your name, to complete our name,
we cherished, eating from your hands, your plates,
standing on your feet to learn walking through life's lanes..
a lovely transformation from snugging within you, to snugging besides you,
and confining our unspoken world to the dreams for you....
your eyes guiding us onto the paths, with our hands in yours,
we were readily flowing with the life's peculiar flow...
for anything big or silly, we'll always rely upon you,
even at times when world will have so much to offer.
always unafraid to bother you at any time of day,
with a zestful feeling of always being besides you,
is what strengthens our faith that,
we are:

as the time will pass, maturing our relation,
we will again enter a new world of dependance,
with still newer responsibilities and upgrading views,
and our lives will witness an all new aura,
when you will be:
                NO DIFFERENT FROM US;
and we still
                NO DIFFERENT FROM YOU..............................

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